BROADSIDE EPISODES #2+3 - Modder/Maker #
Ethereum (1)

BROADSIDE EPISODES #2+3 - Modder/Maker

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After our hero hacks Broadside, the enormity of what they have done sinks in. While they worry about potential repercussions, they become rich as the hack spreads and ETH flows back to it's anonymos creator: WARHEAD. Before long the entire city is playing the hacked game. Prota, the company that own Broadside (and controls the majority of hardware and software that people use), learns of the hack. While Prota search for WARHEAD, our hero, Carlos and Riz decide to try and strike a deal with Prota, until they are accosted by ZERO MC, the leader of The Invisible Hand, a shadowy group that wants break Prota's stranglehold on the American economy. Read your Broadsider's version of Episodes Two and Three here: Must hold a Broadsider to mint a copy of Broadside: Episodes Two and Three - NFT First Edition Episode 2 & 3 - Modder / Maker - NFT First Edition January 2023 Written by Charlie Stratford-Rex Art by Vector Meldrew Copyright © 2023 Charlie Stratford-Rex & Vector Meldrew Some rights reserved. BROADSIDE EPISODES TWO AND THREE by CHARLIE STRATFORD REX & VECTOR MELDREW are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Learn more about permissions beyond the scope of this license at To create or mint new or derivative BROADSIDE stories or art yourself for commercial purposes, please visit for terms and conditions. Thank you. You are what you share.

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